360° CQD
(Close Quarter Defense)

Why train in 360° CQD?

This method will increase your ability to respond efficiently and effectively in close quarter situations. Specializing in vehicle ambush response and other close proximity situations like a crowd, at a doorway or when in a small room.

We offer three basic courses for both Law Enforcement/Military & Civilians

2 Day
360° CQD for
End Users

This is our most basic 360° CQD course including the Original CAR system. This is the absolute minimum amount of time we offer to get a basic understanding of the method and how to practice to become better in the future. Prerequisites include a strong handle of firearms safety principles and a willingness to learn.

3 Day
360° CQD Intermediate

This course it the exact same syllabus as the 2 Day course with the addition of a third day. You can take this course without having taken the 2 day course first. The third day of training offers many more drills and integration exercises. Day three gives you time to lean the method and to move you beyond the crawl-walk stages of the two day course.

5 Day
360° CQD

The five day course is our flagship course. It is for two groups of people. First, those who are looking to become instructors and second, those who are committed to investing their time to learn the method the absolute best they can. This course is a deep dive into the exact why and how for developing your skill set. You will create your own personal training manual to ensure you are able to practice properly and excel.

Further Information - Podcasts & Articles